DNA Extraction Lab

          In this lab we asked "How can DNA be separated from cheek cells in order to study it?" We found that by scraping the inside of our mouths and swishing around gatorade, we were able to get cheek cells in the gatorade. The gatorade homogenized the cheek cells with polar liquid (gatorade). By adding salt, we caused precipitation to begin. By adding soap, we could lyse the cell membranes and emulsify the lipids and proteins within the cell. This disrupts the polar interaction and released all the contents into a mixture. By adding pineapple juice, we broke down more proteins called histones due to the catabolic proteases in the juice. By adding alcohol, which is nonpolar, to the polar DNA, the DNA becomes a precipitate where the two substances meet. we then collected the DNA with a transfer pipette. We knew the DNA was 'unzipping' and 'zipping' because a few bubbles were observed when we added alcohol. The vodcasts of this unit back up our results because they explained how DNA zips and unzips. This data supports our claim because all these processes and factors that went into the experiment worked together to extract the DNA, like we predicted.
         While our hypothesis supports our data, there could have been errors due to the order in which we added salt, detergent, and pineapple juice. We mixed in the salt, detergent, then pineapple juice. This may have caused several processes to happen in unwanted orders, skewing the results. Another possible error could be that we mixed the gatorade solution and alcohol too much when we added them together in the test tube. We did not tilt the tube enough, and the two liquids mixed. This may have caused the DNA to not be fully extracted. Due to these errors, in future experiments I would recommend doing research prior to determining the order of which we added the salt, detergent, and pineapple juice. We would understand what each item does to the DNA and be able to better determine the order to add them. I would also recommend taking extra care to tilt the test tube of alcohol very carefully. This would ensure there would be no mixing of the solutions and help us to get a clear look at all of the DNA in the gatorade solution.
          This lab was done to demonstrate how DNA can be extracted using everyday objects that act as important, chemistry-related items. From this lab, I learned that the order of which you add items to a solution is essential. Each process must occur in a certain order in order to be able to extract the DNA successfully. This helps me understand how DNA is structured. We have been learning about its structure in class, and this lab helped me to understand what each part of the DNA does and how the DNA reacts to certain items. Based on my experience from this lab, I could apply the concepts learned here to extracting DNA from other items. I could extract DNA from other people or possibly from foods. Overall, I learned about the structure and function of DNA and how it reacts with certain substances.
